
Ray Engle

Who is he, and what is he to you?


I have been playing bass since the late 60's. (I'm OLD!) I saw the Beatles on Ed Sullivan, just like everybody else, and immediately wanted to take up the guitar. I played guitar for about a minute and a half, until I realized that I was more attuned to what the bass was doing. When I got my first bass, my folks insisted that I take lessons at the local music store. I complained at the time, but the few lessons I took helped to kick-start my musical development. I enjoy playing nearly all kinds of music, as long as there is a groove involved. Holding down the bottom; outlining the chords & pushing the band through the changes; working with the drummer to keep the booties loose; and supporting the melody: These are a few of my favorite things. I also sing, if encouraged to do so.

Day Job

I have had several careers during my life. In earlier incarnations, I've been a chef, truck driver, sales monkey, retail manager, customer service rep, lap dancer, and gigging musician. For the last fifteen years I've been holding down the IT chair at a Bay Area financial services company. My main focus is network engineering & security, primarily utilizing Cisco solutions.

I'd like to try...

Internet voice-over work! "Have you ever been on the radio?" If I had a nickle for every time I have been asked this question, I'd have at least a couple of bucks. My Dad was a radio guy, and while I did not inherit his charming personality or good looks, I was blessed with a set of pipes. Eventually, I'll record some VO samples & see what happens.